Show – Fair Thursday 4:30 PM
Sale – Fair Friday
Printable Market beef show and sale rules
Chairperson: Kirk Clevenger, Jamie Whitacre, and Gordon McIntire
1. All Market Beef are to be owned and cared for by the exhibitor as of December 1st. Tagging of the Market Beef will be the First Saturday in December from 8 AM to 10 AM at the Farmers Livestock Exchange. One dollar will be charged per animal tagged. Multiple animals may be tagged but exhibitors are limited to showing two (2) market steers.
3. Exhibitors may bring in bedding and set up equipment Sunday only between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM. No Saturday set up is available. All steers must be brought onto the fairgrounds from 7:00 AM to NOON on Fair Monday. Animals will be weighed and graded on Fair Monday.
All steers are to be dry before weigh-in. Exhibitors must be present with their animals when weighed.
4. Cattle must not be born prior to January of the previous year.
5. Age of all heifers and steers will be checked.
6. Market Beef will be shown by weight and divisions.
7. All market beef cattle to be shown free of horns. Should the animal have horns at the time of purchase, they should be dehorned as soon as possible to minimize stress to the animal.
8. The Market Beef Chairpersons will decide the classes and divisions prior to the show.
9. All heifers exhibited by 4-H and FFA members must be owned by and in the care of the exhibitor by the following dates according to age and show classifications. Beef breeding animals will be divided into classes by breed (individual purebred and commercial):
Senior Yearling Heifers January 1st
Early Junior Yearling Heifers January 1st
Late Junior Yearling Heifers January 1st
Summer Yearling Heifers March 1st
Senior Heifer Calves April 1st to May 1st
Cow and Calf January 1st
10.Steers that do not grade Select and weigh at least 1,000 pounds can show in their class but cannot compete in the championship class. The top animal in the class that meets the weight and grade requirements will represent that class in the championship.
11.Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Steers must be sold.
12.Market Beef must weigh at least 1,000 pounds and grade Select to be sold in the steer sale.
13.The exhibitor will feed and care for their steer until the buyer or other persons authorized by the Fair removes it from the fairgrounds.
14.The Market Beef Chairpersons and the Fair Association reserve the right to make any necessary changes during the Fair Week.
15.All exhibitors must participate in showmanship. Animals exhibited in the Showmanship Class will be shown unfitted. Market Beef and breeding animals will be shown fitted in their confirmation class. Once at the Frederick County Fair, only the Exhibitor and immediate
family, Frederick County 4-H or Frederick County FFA members may help in fitting an animal for the livestock shows. All animals must be fitted in the Barn Area. Members of the beef committee will monitor the fitting of beef animals and any violations of these rules will result in
disqualification from the show and sale.
16.Any animal deemed “not broken” or unruly to the point of being a safety risk will be disqualified from the show and sale by the decision of the beef committee.
17.The Market Beef Chairpersons and the Fair Association Livestock Committee reserve the right to view exhibitor’s animals from the tagging date until the opening of the Fair.
18.Failure to abide by these rules will result in the disqualification of that individual and the animal(s) in question.
19.All Market Beet projects will be under the sole care and feeding of the exhibitor from the beginning to the end of the project.
1190 Senior Showmanship - Ages 14 – 19
1191 Junior Showmanship – Ages 9 – 13
1192 Senior Novice Showmanship – 14 – 19
1193 Junior Novice Showmanship – 9 – 13
1194 Senior Yearling Heifer Sept. 1, 2022 thru Dec. 31, 2022
1195 Early Junior Heifer Jan. 1, 2023 thru Feb. 28, 2023
1196 Late Junior Heifer March 1, 2023 thru April 30, 2023
1197 Summer Yearling Heifer May 1, 2023 thru August 31, 2023
1198 Senior Heifer Calves Sept. 1, 2023 thru Dec. 31, 2023
1199 Cow and Calf
Beef Breeding animal classes will be divided into crossbred and individual breeds.
1201 Market Steer
1202 Market Heifer
1203 County Bred Market Steer
Class 1203 – County Bred Market Steer is only for steers bred in Frederick County. Final
determination for eligibility will be determined by the Show Committee.
Class 1202 – All Market Heifers will show in one class and then compete for overall Grand and
Reserve Market Beef.
Bucket Calf Class to occur after Showmanship and before Breeding Animals.
1. All Market Beef are to be owned and cared for by the exhibitor as of December 1st. Tagging of the Market Beef will be the First Saturday in December from 8 AM to 10 AM at the Farmers Livestock Exchange. One dollar will be charged per animal tagged. Multiple animals may be tagged but exhibitors are limited to showing two (2) market steers.
3. Exhibitors may bring in bedding and set up equipment Sunday only between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM. No Saturday set up is available. All steers must be brought onto the fairgrounds from 7:00 AM to NOON on Fair Monday. Animals will be weighed and graded on Fair Monday.
All steers are to be dry before weigh-in. Exhibitors must be present with their animals when weighed.
4. Cattle must not be born prior to January of the previous year.
5. Age of all heifers and steers will be checked.
6. Market Beef will be shown by weight and divisions.
7. All market beef cattle to be shown free of horns. Should the animal have horns at the time of purchase, they should be dehorned as soon as possible to minimize stress to the animal.
8. The Market Beef Chairpersons will decide the classes and divisions prior to the show.
9. All heifers exhibited by 4-H and FFA members must be owned by and in the care of the exhibitor by the following dates according to age and show classifications. Beef breeding animals will be divided into classes by breed (individual purebred and commercial):
Senior Yearling Heifers January 1st
Early Junior Yearling Heifers January 1st
Late Junior Yearling Heifers January 1st
Summer Yearling Heifers March 1st
Senior Heifer Calves April 1st to May 1st
Cow and Calf January 1st
10.Steers that do not grade Select and weigh at least 1,000 pounds can show in their class but cannot compete in the championship class. The top animal in the class that meets the weight and grade requirements will represent that class in the championship.
11.Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Steers must be sold.
12.Market Beef must weigh at least 1,000 pounds and grade Select to be sold in the steer sale.
13.The exhibitor will feed and care for their steer until the buyer or other persons authorized by the Fair removes it from the fairgrounds.
14.The Market Beef Chairpersons and the Fair Association reserve the right to make any necessary changes during the Fair Week.
15.All exhibitors must participate in showmanship. Animals exhibited in the Showmanship Class will be shown unfitted. Market Beef and breeding animals will be shown fitted in their confirmation class. Once at the Frederick County Fair, only the Exhibitor and immediate
family, Frederick County 4-H or Frederick County FFA members may help in fitting an animal for the livestock shows. All animals must be fitted in the Barn Area. Members of the beef committee will monitor the fitting of beef animals and any violations of these rules will result in
disqualification from the show and sale.
16.Any animal deemed “not broken” or unruly to the point of being a safety risk will be disqualified from the show and sale by the decision of the beef committee.
17.The Market Beef Chairpersons and the Fair Association Livestock Committee reserve the right to view exhibitor’s animals from the tagging date until the opening of the Fair.
18.Failure to abide by these rules will result in the disqualification of that individual and the animal(s) in question.
19.All Market Beet projects will be under the sole care and feeding of the exhibitor from the beginning to the end of the project.
1190 Senior Showmanship - Ages 14 – 19
1191 Junior Showmanship – Ages 9 – 13
1192 Senior Novice Showmanship – 14 – 19
1193 Junior Novice Showmanship – 9 – 13
1194 Senior Yearling Heifer Sept. 1, 2022 thru Dec. 31, 2022
1195 Early Junior Heifer Jan. 1, 2023 thru Feb. 28, 2023
1196 Late Junior Heifer March 1, 2023 thru April 30, 2023
1197 Summer Yearling Heifer May 1, 2023 thru August 31, 2023
1198 Senior Heifer Calves Sept. 1, 2023 thru Dec. 31, 2023
1199 Cow and Calf
Beef Breeding animal classes will be divided into crossbred and individual breeds.
1201 Market Steer
1202 Market Heifer
1203 County Bred Market Steer
Class 1203 – County Bred Market Steer is only for steers bred in Frederick County. Final
determination for eligibility will be determined by the Show Committee.
Class 1202 – All Market Heifers will show in one class and then compete for overall Grand and
Reserve Market Beef.
Bucket Calf Class to occur after Showmanship and before Breeding Animals.