2025 Frederick County Fair General Livestock Rules
Livestock shows are co-sponsored by the Frederick County Fair Association, 4-H, and FFA.
Printable General livestock rules
1) All Frederick County Fair exhibitors who show or sell livestock at the fair must contribute two (2) hours to a work detail day at the fairgrounds. Failure to complete this requirement will result in the exhibitor not being allowed to show or sell his/her animals at the fair.
2) 4-H and FFA members who show or sell market animals at the Frederick County Fair will be required to have project books checked twice:
a) At least one week prior to the fair, project/record books must be up-to-date and reviewed by an adult club leader, agriculture education instructor, or extension agent. If not up-to-date, resubmit prior to the Monday of fair week to be able to show or sell in the current year’s fair.
b) By August 31st of each year, project/record books need to be checked again for completeness. Completeness means that all applicable and attainable information has been entered on each page. This includes project planning, worksheets, feed information, financial information, show and sale results, and 4-H club information. Pages that are left blank will indicate an incomplete record book. Exhibitors who do not follow this rule will not be allowed to show or sell market animals in the Frederick County Fair the next year.
3) A MAXIMUM OF 6 MARKET ANIMALS FROM ALL SPECIES, INCLUDING RABBITS AND POULTRY, CAN BE SHOWN AND SOLD EACH YEAR PER YOUTH EXHIBITOR. If you wish to scratch a market animal from Friday’s Sale, you must notify the Species Chairperson by 10 PM on the day of that species’ show. No Virginia State Fair Nominated Livestock can go through the Frederick County Fair Sale or Farmers Livestock Exchange Sale and be shown by the Exhibitor at the State Fair. All Livestock that are not going to be sold must leave the fairgrounds by 10PM on Fair Thursday.
4) NO switching of livestock will be allowed on sale night or on site.
5) All exhibitors must Pre-Register their livestock for Tagging and for the Fair. Tagging and the actual Fair Registrations will be done through Google Forms. The Links to these forms will be online at www. frederickcountyfair.com. Tagging registrations for each Livestock Species will be available one week prior to the tagging date. Fair Registration for Livestock will be available two weeks prior to the fair and must be completed by 11:59 PM on the Tuesday prior to the Fair. Exhibitors will need to check in at the registration desk on Sunday from 2:00 PM-5:00 PM or Fair Monday from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM to sign up for their pass(s) and receive their exhibitor number. Failure to properly register will result in forfeiture of prize money and ribbons. Exhibitors must also turn a signed copy of the Code of Ethics form and Adult Code of Conduct form to the Frederick County Extension Offi ce by the date stated on the forms. Failure to turn in the forms will result in the exhibitor not being allowed to show or sell their animals.
6) Each New First-time Livestock exhibitor, including poultry and rabbit exhibitors , are required to receive Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Training prior to fair week to be eligible to show their livestock at the Frederick County Fair. Certificate of Completion must be sent to or on fi le at the Frederick County Extension Office. YQCA is designed as an annual education and certification program focused on food safety, animal well-being and character awareness for youth ages 8 to 21 producing and/or showing pigs, beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, and poultry.
7) All Market animal exhibitors must be enrolled as a 4-H or FFA member in Frederick County or Winchester as of January 1st of the year of the show and must be 9 years of age or older as of September 30th of the current fair year. Eligibility of 4-H membership terminates on December 31st of the year of the member’s 19th birthday.
8) All livestock are to be owned, cared for, and housed in Frederick County by the exhibitor by the specified date for each species. Livestock must be housed at the exhibitor’s residence. Exhibitors who are unable to house their livestock at their own residence must do one of the following:
a) If the exhibitor, for the first time, is housing a species at a location other than their residence, then they must have approval from the Fair Board 30 days prior to the stated ownership date for that species. This still involves the exhibitor attending a fair meeting to ask for this approval.
b) If the exhibitor has previously kept a species at a location other than their residence (within the last year), and if no problems were evident and the animals will be housed at the same location as the previous year, then the exhibitor is not required to attend a fair meeting for approval. However, the exhibitor must notify the chairperson for each species 30 days prior to the stated ownership date for that species. If a diff erent species (for example, hogs) is being housed for the first time at a location that the exhibitor previously kept another species (for example, lambs), then that exhibitor still must come to the Fair Board as indicated in part A of this rule.
9) Chairpersons and fair officials reserve the right to view the exhibitor's animals from the tagging date until the opening of the fair.
10) There will be no livestock taken to trailers at any time during the week of the fair, only with the permission from the livestock committee.
11) Animals entered in the Frederick County Fair must follow all health requirements and the code of ethics as listed in these rules and regulations. Any animal may be subjected to blood and/or urine sampling and testing at the time of the Fair. All animals must be properly castrated and completely healed. The Fair Association has the right to disqualify any animals, if the appearance or temperament of which has been changed or altered by any process. This includes attempts to dye, discolor the natural hair color, use of tranquilizers, and the use of ice. Any exhibitor caught in violation of such rule shall be banned from showing and selling any livestock project at the current and following years Frederick County Fair.
12) Exhibitors will be expected to keep their animals fed and provided with clean water. The pens and surrounding area should be cleaned daily throughout the entire week and must be presentable to the public by 4 PM.
13) Oral drenching is allowed with electrolytes only to keep animals properly hydrated.
14) All animals must be under the control of the exhibitor to be eligible for awards.
15) All animals must be shown by the owner. The only exception will be injury or if an exhibitor has more than one entry in a class. Only then can another eligible Frederick County 4-H or FFA livestock exhibitor show the animals.
16) There is to be no coaching from the sideline allowed during the shows.
17) All exhibitors must participate in Showmanship classes.
18) Proper attire will be required for livestock shows and sales. Exhibitors should wear shirts or blouses and respectable pants. No t-shirts, shorts, tennis shoes, or open-toed shoes will be permitted.
19) Once at the Frederick County Fair, only the Exhibitor and immediate family, Frederick County 4-H or Frederick County FFA members may help in fitting an animal for the livestock shows. All animals must be fi tted in the Barn Area.
20) Agriculture instructors, extension personnel, and fair officials may provide limited expertise to exhibitors needing assistance.
21) Livestock will not be permitted to be “tied out” during Fair Week. Animals are to remain in the barns during the night.
22) Animals sold in the auction will remain the responsibility of the exhibitor until the buyer or other person authorized by the Fair removes the animal.
23) Prize money will be withheld until the barn and cage facilities are cleaned and meet the approval of the species chairperson.
24) Monitoring of these and other market animal rules will be the responsibility of the fair officials, the extension personnel, and the agriculture instructors. Enforcement of these rules will be the sole responsibility of the Fair Association. Grievances, protests, etc. should be handled through the Fair’s grievance policy as stated in the General Rules and Regulations.
2) 4-H and FFA members who show or sell market animals at the Frederick County Fair will be required to have project books checked twice:
a) At least one week prior to the fair, project/record books must be up-to-date and reviewed by an adult club leader, agriculture education instructor, or extension agent. If not up-to-date, resubmit prior to the Monday of fair week to be able to show or sell in the current year’s fair.
b) By August 31st of each year, project/record books need to be checked again for completeness. Completeness means that all applicable and attainable information has been entered on each page. This includes project planning, worksheets, feed information, financial information, show and sale results, and 4-H club information. Pages that are left blank will indicate an incomplete record book. Exhibitors who do not follow this rule will not be allowed to show or sell market animals in the Frederick County Fair the next year.
3) A MAXIMUM OF 6 MARKET ANIMALS FROM ALL SPECIES, INCLUDING RABBITS AND POULTRY, CAN BE SHOWN AND SOLD EACH YEAR PER YOUTH EXHIBITOR. If you wish to scratch a market animal from Friday’s Sale, you must notify the Species Chairperson by 10 PM on the day of that species’ show. No Virginia State Fair Nominated Livestock can go through the Frederick County Fair Sale or Farmers Livestock Exchange Sale and be shown by the Exhibitor at the State Fair. All Livestock that are not going to be sold must leave the fairgrounds by 10PM on Fair Thursday.
4) NO switching of livestock will be allowed on sale night or on site.
5) All exhibitors must Pre-Register their livestock for Tagging and for the Fair. Tagging and the actual Fair Registrations will be done through Google Forms. The Links to these forms will be online at www. frederickcountyfair.com. Tagging registrations for each Livestock Species will be available one week prior to the tagging date. Fair Registration for Livestock will be available two weeks prior to the fair and must be completed by 11:59 PM on the Tuesday prior to the Fair. Exhibitors will need to check in at the registration desk on Sunday from 2:00 PM-5:00 PM or Fair Monday from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM to sign up for their pass(s) and receive their exhibitor number. Failure to properly register will result in forfeiture of prize money and ribbons. Exhibitors must also turn a signed copy of the Code of Ethics form and Adult Code of Conduct form to the Frederick County Extension Offi ce by the date stated on the forms. Failure to turn in the forms will result in the exhibitor not being allowed to show or sell their animals.
6) Each New First-time Livestock exhibitor, including poultry and rabbit exhibitors , are required to receive Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Training prior to fair week to be eligible to show their livestock at the Frederick County Fair. Certificate of Completion must be sent to or on fi le at the Frederick County Extension Office. YQCA is designed as an annual education and certification program focused on food safety, animal well-being and character awareness for youth ages 8 to 21 producing and/or showing pigs, beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, and poultry.
7) All Market animal exhibitors must be enrolled as a 4-H or FFA member in Frederick County or Winchester as of January 1st of the year of the show and must be 9 years of age or older as of September 30th of the current fair year. Eligibility of 4-H membership terminates on December 31st of the year of the member’s 19th birthday.
8) All livestock are to be owned, cared for, and housed in Frederick County by the exhibitor by the specified date for each species. Livestock must be housed at the exhibitor’s residence. Exhibitors who are unable to house their livestock at their own residence must do one of the following:
a) If the exhibitor, for the first time, is housing a species at a location other than their residence, then they must have approval from the Fair Board 30 days prior to the stated ownership date for that species. This still involves the exhibitor attending a fair meeting to ask for this approval.
b) If the exhibitor has previously kept a species at a location other than their residence (within the last year), and if no problems were evident and the animals will be housed at the same location as the previous year, then the exhibitor is not required to attend a fair meeting for approval. However, the exhibitor must notify the chairperson for each species 30 days prior to the stated ownership date for that species. If a diff erent species (for example, hogs) is being housed for the first time at a location that the exhibitor previously kept another species (for example, lambs), then that exhibitor still must come to the Fair Board as indicated in part A of this rule.
9) Chairpersons and fair officials reserve the right to view the exhibitor's animals from the tagging date until the opening of the fair.
10) There will be no livestock taken to trailers at any time during the week of the fair, only with the permission from the livestock committee.
11) Animals entered in the Frederick County Fair must follow all health requirements and the code of ethics as listed in these rules and regulations. Any animal may be subjected to blood and/or urine sampling and testing at the time of the Fair. All animals must be properly castrated and completely healed. The Fair Association has the right to disqualify any animals, if the appearance or temperament of which has been changed or altered by any process. This includes attempts to dye, discolor the natural hair color, use of tranquilizers, and the use of ice. Any exhibitor caught in violation of such rule shall be banned from showing and selling any livestock project at the current and following years Frederick County Fair.
12) Exhibitors will be expected to keep their animals fed and provided with clean water. The pens and surrounding area should be cleaned daily throughout the entire week and must be presentable to the public by 4 PM.
13) Oral drenching is allowed with electrolytes only to keep animals properly hydrated.
14) All animals must be under the control of the exhibitor to be eligible for awards.
15) All animals must be shown by the owner. The only exception will be injury or if an exhibitor has more than one entry in a class. Only then can another eligible Frederick County 4-H or FFA livestock exhibitor show the animals.
16) There is to be no coaching from the sideline allowed during the shows.
17) All exhibitors must participate in Showmanship classes.
18) Proper attire will be required for livestock shows and sales. Exhibitors should wear shirts or blouses and respectable pants. No t-shirts, shorts, tennis shoes, or open-toed shoes will be permitted.
19) Once at the Frederick County Fair, only the Exhibitor and immediate family, Frederick County 4-H or Frederick County FFA members may help in fitting an animal for the livestock shows. All animals must be fi tted in the Barn Area.
20) Agriculture instructors, extension personnel, and fair officials may provide limited expertise to exhibitors needing assistance.
21) Livestock will not be permitted to be “tied out” during Fair Week. Animals are to remain in the barns during the night.
22) Animals sold in the auction will remain the responsibility of the exhibitor until the buyer or other person authorized by the Fair removes the animal.
23) Prize money will be withheld until the barn and cage facilities are cleaned and meet the approval of the species chairperson.
24) Monitoring of these and other market animal rules will be the responsibility of the fair officials, the extension personnel, and the agriculture instructors. Enforcement of these rules will be the sole responsibility of the Fair Association. Grievances, protests, etc. should be handled through the Fair’s grievance policy as stated in the General Rules and Regulations.
Veterinarian – Trevor Collins
1. The following vaccinations are recommended upon purchase of the animal:
A. Shipping Fever (IBR & PI 3, BRSV)
B. Blackleg (7-Way)
2. Animals showing evidence of active pink eye, warts, ringworm, or other communicable diseases will not be permitted on the fairgrounds. The decision is at the discretion of the Fair Veterinarian.
1. The following vaccinations are recommended upon the purchase of the animal:
A. 7-Way Clostridial
B. Shipping Fever (IBR & PI 3)
2. All animals must be free of evidence of communicable diseases, including external parasites, ringworm, sore mouth, abscesses, and foot rot. This decision is at the discretion of the Fair Veterinarian.
3. All animals must have been foot-trimmed before the fair.
4. Due to regulations set by the National Scrapie Eradication Program, the Frederick County Fair will require that all sheep and goats be ear tagged, for the fair, with a tag provided by the USDA-APHIS in order to track sheep and goats under the National Scrapie Eradication Program.
1. The following vaccinations are recommended upon the purchase of the animal:
A. Leptospirosis
2. Swine showing evidence of atrophic rhinitis, external parasites, or other communicable diseases will not be permitted on the Fairgrounds. This decision is at the discretion of the Fair Veterinarian.
1. The following vaccinations are recommended upon purchase of the animal:
A. Shipping Fever (IBR & PI 3, BRSV)
B. Blackleg (7-Way)
2. Animals showing evidence of active pink eye, warts, ringworm, or other communicable diseases will not be permitted on the fairgrounds. The decision is at the discretion of the Fair Veterinarian.
1. The following vaccinations are recommended upon the purchase of the animal:
A. 7-Way Clostridial
B. Shipping Fever (IBR & PI 3)
2. All animals must be free of evidence of communicable diseases, including external parasites, ringworm, sore mouth, abscesses, and foot rot. This decision is at the discretion of the Fair Veterinarian.
3. All animals must have been foot-trimmed before the fair.
4. Due to regulations set by the National Scrapie Eradication Program, the Frederick County Fair will require that all sheep and goats be ear tagged, for the fair, with a tag provided by the USDA-APHIS in order to track sheep and goats under the National Scrapie Eradication Program.
1. The following vaccinations are recommended upon the purchase of the animal:
A. Leptospirosis
2. Swine showing evidence of atrophic rhinitis, external parasites, or other communicable diseases will not be permitted on the Fairgrounds. This decision is at the discretion of the Fair Veterinarian.